Guy playing cornole with his friends outdoors in the grass

What Are Cornhole Bags Filled With?

Cornhole (also known as bag toss), a popular outdoor game, has gained immense popularity for its simplicity and fun. But if you’re diving into the game for the first time, you might find yourself asking: “What are cornhole bags filled with?” Let’s take a closer look at the different materials used to fill these bags and how they can affect your game.

Traditional Cornhole Bags

Corn Kernels

As the name suggests, traditional cornhole bags were originally filled with whole corn kernels. This type of filling has been the go-to for decades and provides a certain nostalgic charm to the game.


  • Authentic Feel: Provides a classic, traditional gameplay experience.

  • Natural: Eco-friendly and biodegradable.


  • Susceptible to Moisture: Can mold if they get wet and aren’t dried properly.

  • Inconsistent Weight: Kernels can break down over time, leading to an uneven distribution of weight.

Pile of corn kernels used to create cornhole bags

Modern Cornhole Bags

Synthetic Beads

In recent years, synthetic materials like plastic pellets or resin beads have become popular for filling cornhole bags. These modern fillings offer several advantages over traditional corn.


  • Durability: Resistant to weather conditions, won’t mold or rot.

  • Consistency: Uniform weight distribution and consistent performance over time.

  • Low Maintenance: Easy to clean and dry quickly if they get wet.


  • Different Feel: Some players prefer the feel of traditional corn-filled bags.

  • Environmental Impact: Not biodegradable, though some recycled materials are used.

Pile of plastic resin pellets used for creating cornhole bags

Why the Filling Matters

The type of filling in your cornhole bags can significantly affect your game. Here are a few reasons why it matters:

Weight and Balance

The weight and balance of the bag can impact your throwing accuracy and distance. Corn-filled bags may change weight slightly over time, while synthetic-filled bags maintain a consistent weight, providing a predictable throwing experience.

Grip and Slide

The filling affects how the bag grips the board and slides. Corn-filled bags tend to grip the board more, while synthetic-filled bags can offer a smoother slide, depending on the material used.


If you frequently play outdoors or in varying weather conditions, synthetic-filled bags may be the better choice due to their durability and resistance to moisture.

Choosing the Right Cornhole Bags for You

When choosing cornhole bags, consider where and how often you’ll be playing. For a classic backyard game, traditional corn-filled bags provide an authentic experience. However, if you’re looking for durability and low maintenance, synthetic-filled bags are a great modern alternative.

Final Thoughts

Whether you prefer the traditional feel of corn-filled bags or the modern advantages of synthetic beads, understanding what cornhole bags are filled with can help you make the best choice for your game. Both options offer unique benefits, so it ultimately comes down to personal preference and how you plan to use them. Happy playing, and may your throws be accurate!

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