Picture of several cornhole boards sitting in the grass

Can You Throw Overhand in Cornhole?

Cornhole, often seen at tailgates and backyard gatherings, is typically associated with the underhand toss. This method is preferred for its accuracy and control. However, the question arises: Can you throw overhand in cornhole? The short answer is yes, you can throw overhand in cornhole.

Official Rules and Overhand Throws

According to the rules set by organizations like the American Cornhole League (ACL) and the American Cornhole Organization (ACO), there are no explicit restrictions against overhand throws. The primary focus of these rules is on maintaining proper stance and ensuring that players stay within the designated pitching box without crossing the foul line during their toss. Therefore, as long as these basic guidelines are followed, the throwing technique—whether underhand or overhand—is up to the player's discretion​.

Pros and Cons of Overhand Throws


  1. Power: Overhand throws can generate more power, potentially allowing the bag to cover a greater distance.
  2. Surprise Element: An overhand throw can surprise opponents who are accustomed to the traditional underhand method, potentially giving you a strategic edge.
  3. Adverse Conditions: This technique might be beneficial in windy conditions where a higher arc could counteract the wind's effects​.


  1. Control: Overhand throws typically offer less control than underhand throws, which can result in decreased accuracy.
  2. Consistency: Achieving consistent results with an overhand throw can be more challenging and may require extensive practice.
  3. Risk of Injury: The overhand motion, if not executed correctly, could strain muscles or lead to injuries​.

Techniques for Overhand Throws

  1. Airmail Toss: A high-arcing throw aimed directly at the hole. While it can score three points if successful, it’s risky as missing the board entirely results in no points.
  2. Sidearm Toss: Similar to a frisbee throw, this involves releasing the bag with a sidearm motion.
  3. Direct Toss: A straightforward overhand throw with more force, akin to a fastball pitch​.


While the traditional underhand toss remains the standard in cornhole, incorporating overhand throws can add a unique dimension to your gameplay. It’s essential to practice and get comfortable with different techniques to determine what works best for you. Remember, as long as you stay within the rules, feel free to experiment and enjoy the game!

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